Terms & Conditions
- ClubStamping.com is not responsible for any misuse or malpractice of the golf club stamps. Any damage or undesired results is solely under the responsibility of the user and not ClubStamping.com.
- If you are not handy with a hammer, please contact someone you know who is. Stamping golf clubs requires a fair amount of confidence. This is why we recommend practicing on old golf clubs to get the hang of what is required to make deep stamps.
- ClubStamping.com is not responsible for any loss of value in the golf club or the difficulty of resale.
- Any golf club manufacturer warranties that are voided in the process of stamping or customizing your golf clubs is not ClubStamping.com's responsibility.
- Always use protective eye wear and follow ALL precautionary measures when handling the stamps and paint.
- ClubStamping.com does not promote or sell golf clubs. We are in the business of customizing golf clubs and offer that ability to recreational golfers.
- ClubStamping.com is not affiliated with any golf club manufacturer or vendors nor are we endorsed by any of the brands displayed in our store banners or product demonstrations.
- Individual results may vary. The purchaser is solely responsible for their usage outcome and ClubStamping.com is not responsible for any claims.